Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Finding old posts on this blog

There are a couple of ways to track down an old post or to search for something you think may have been posted.

Browse the "Index of Topics and Subjects" that I've set up using a free web service called del.icio.us. On the right side of every page in this blog, you'll see a link to this index as well as a sampling of some of the more popular topics. Clicking the link for the index itself will open a new page with a long list of subject descriptors (here known as "tags") that are bundled into five subsections: courses, databases, libraries, types of library users, and unbundled tags. If you want to see what's been posted on Business Source Premier, then look for it in the list of tags under "databases". Clicking the tag should show you a list of the blog posts that I've tagged as being on that particular database. At the moment, the "Business_Source_Premier" tag has been applied to six posts on the blog.

Search for your keywords in the search box on the right side of the page. This search tool is powered by a free service called Feedster. Don't bother using the search box in the upper left corner of the blue navigation bar at the top of our blog; that search tool is powered by Blogger and never seems to work very well.

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