Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Gutierrez v. Cal-Spas

Can anyone advise me of ways to find out what happened to an appeal for the case of Gutierrez v Cal Spas? I am trying to assist a student with this question. A February 1, 1995, article from Personnel Journal (found in Factiva) neatly sums up the latest information I can find about this 1993 case:
Savino Gutierrez was sexually harassed by his supervisor, Maria Martinez. Martinez, the director of human resources and CFO for Cal Spas, a division of California Acrylics Industries, had pursued Gutierrez in a sexual way nearly every day for six years and had demoted him twice for spurning her advances which involved fondling and sexual touching. A jury recently awarded Gutierrez more than $1 million in his case against the company, although the verdict is under appeal.

I have not been successful in helping the student learn how that appeal turned out. Here is where I have searched so far using variations of a query for CAL SPAS AND HARASSMENT:
  • Factiva
  • Lexis-Nexis ( searched News, Business, and Legal Research sections)
  • Westlaw Campus
  • Google
  • ABI/Inform GlobaL
  • Business Source Premier

For the moment, I've referred the student to one of the public access law libraries here in New York, where there may be a wider range of legal sources to use. Since this student's question is an assigment and is one that I recall hearing about last year, I was wondering if there is some place I have neglected to search.

1 comment:

Rita said...

Sabino Gutierrez's attorney was Gloria Allred, who is well-known. She is with this law firm:

I couldn't find anything else. He might have sued California Acrylic rather than Cal Spas. The article you cited also provided the court Los Angeles Superior Court, a trial court, and the judge's name,Ernest G. William, but I couldn't locate anything else.