Thursday, October 28, 2004

Command searching in CUNY+

Thanks to Mike for reminding me of the value of command line searching in CUNY+. Here's some useful tips:

  • Foreign language searches. Example: to find materials in Italian, type WLN = ita. Use the 3-letter MARC abbreviations for the language you want. Warning: this will also find books that have been translated from a particular foreign language as well.
  • Call number range searches: Example: to find books that are in the HQs, type WCK = HQ* (the asterisk will work as the wildcard).
  • Publisher search: Example, to find books published by Basic Books, type WPU = basic.
  • Reference books: Type WCL = ref
  • Books in stacks: Type WCL = stacks
  • Boolean operators: AND and OR work. Example, to find reference books that have Shakespeare as a word in the title (WTI=), type WCL = ref and WTI = shakespeare.

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