Monday, August 20, 2007


An NPR story, Scanner Tracks Who's Changing What on Wikipedia, discusses a ...
"database called the Wikipedia Scanner, a search tool that traces the comments and edits on Wikipedia entries back to their source IP address. The once-anonymous writers behind the entries are no longer quite so anonymous." You can also read the NYT's front page article from Sunday, Aug. 19th, Lifting Corporate Fingerprints From the Editing of Wikipedia.

The NPR article has an interesting demo as to how someone from a Wal-Mart computer changed a Wikipedia entry discussing Wal-Mart wages. The NYT articles focuses on insider editing and corporate revisions.

You can search edits by organization name, location, and IP address (if you know it). You can add IP addresses as well. You can also browse the "Editor's Picks" of edits.


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