Thursday, November 29, 2007

comments received re copy cards refund and copy machines

I have received comments from students tonight about the copy card refund information that is posted on the second floor. The student, with $10 on an old card, read it and assumed she could get a refund. I read the information and although I know we now have a new vendor, that is not apparent from the posted information. Yes, I know that information was posted about not putting too much money on the old card because there would be no refunds because we have a new vendor. The yellow instructions do not indicate it is a new vendor that is not responsible for the previous vendor. I don't think the student is a regular library user and English is not her first language. She was not happy.

Also, another student suggested that while the directions about how the new copy machine works are good, having them on top of the lid of the copier makes it difficult to remember what needs to be done. (Once the lid is up, you can't read the instructions.)


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