Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Information about a pilot PACER project at Fordham Law School Library

It was announced recently that Fordham Law School Library is participating in a pilot program to offer public access to PACER, which is the federal judiciary's centralized registration, billing, and technical support center for electronic access to U.S. District, Bankruptcy, and Appellate court records. (You can see what new cases are filed each day, and obtain court records, such as filings related to cases. Our Westlaw Campus and Lexis-Nexis databases do not include these documents.)
It is a fee based service, with charges for searching (if you don't do it yourself) and page fees. (These charges help support the system.) The Pacer Service Center web site is The system is used by attorneys and others working in, or writing about, the cases.

Because of some inquiries, I contacted the librarian at Fordham Law School Library.
She sent me the following information:

"We only received the information about this program last week. We are in the process of writing policies for the public use of the PACER terminal. I will send you the finished policies as soon as they are finished. Please note that each user must come in person to Fordham Law Library to use the PACER terminal. We are not allowed to give the password and login to anyone outside Fordham."

I'll let you know the policies when they are received.


1 comment:

Louise Klusek said...

The cost of using PACER is minimal. Pages cost cents not dollars and many searches including the printouts cost only a few dollars.