Tuesday, November 27, 2007

ICPSR launches topic specific resource centers

In an effort to make getting to their data more user-friendly, ICPSR has created a few centers where they pre-selected the data referring to certain topics, so users don't have to go hunting for it (and they add anything new that comes in too). Currently, they have 3 centers:

Minority Data: presenting data for the comparative analysis of analysis of issues affecting racial and ethnic minority populations in the United States. This is a great place to get data on the study of immigration, place of origin, ancestry, ethnicity, and race in the United States.

International Data Resource Center:
Access to international data housed at ICPSR, including such topics as war and peace, economic issues, electoral systems and political behavior, environmental data, health data and more.

Terrorism and Preparedness Data Resource Center
: has data collected by government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and researchers about the nature of domestic and international terrorism incidents, organizations, perpetrators, and victims; governmental and nongovernmental responses to terror; and citizens' attitudes towards terrorism.

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