Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Possible problem with remote access to Westlaw Campus

A student logged in to chat last night and called the reference desk this morning to report that she was unable to get into Westlaw Campus from off campus. Westlaw seems to be working here on campus now.

Here's what the student reported in chat and on the phone when asked about where the problem was cropping up:
  • she connected via the Databases page and successfully passed through our remote access authentication screen asking for a Baruch username and password
  • when Westlaw Campus loads, she is prompted in the database itself to type in a Westlaw client ID and password (which she, of course, is not able to successfully get past)
  • other databases do work for her at the moment; it's only Westlaw giving her trouble

When this issue is resolved, please add a new post to the blog or add a comment to this blog post.


Michael said...

I just tried it from home and it worked fine, so maybe it was a temporary problem.

Stephen Francoeur said...

Another chat reference patron reported a problem with remote access over the weekend. Last night (Sunday, 12/16) around 9 pm, I tried a search myself from home. After getting past EZ Proxy login and entering a search query, I did not see any search results. Instead, I was prompted for a Westlaw client ID and password.