Wednesday, June 18, 2008

MRI+ Database

A student came in today from Marketing 3250, (Advertising and Marketing Communications), and needed to use the MRI+ database for information about consumers of Maxwell House coffee. There is a username and password for MRI listed in the wiki, but students may want to create their own account. It also seemed as if the database would not work in Firefox, but it worked fine in Explorer.

Once the student logged in, we went first to the 'Mediamark reporter' tab, and then chose 'Fall 2007 product.' There is an option to choose a report based on the type of product, or to search by keyword. We searched for coffee and found that 'ground coffee' was one of our results. There were many different brands listed, including Maxwell House. After that, you can generate reports for the past six months.

It sounded as if this is a group project for the class, so there may be other students coming in to use MRI+.

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