Sunday, March 08, 2009

Database issue on Sunday, March 8th

We had problems with quite a few database on Sunday. I reported these to Michael via email, but wanted to alert you in case they come up on Monday:

1. Ebrary - Unauthorized Access screen appears whether accessing through CUNY+ or through the databases page
2. Value Line - When you click on 'connect'you get a page asking you to check whether you agree or not with the terms and conditions. If you click on 'yes' it asks for a user name and password. If you click on 'no' you can get to the home page. However, you can't get to the Value Line Survey Page for companies. When you enter a ticker symbol, it takes you to a summary, but when you click on the PDF link, it asks you for a log in again.
3. - is asking for a user name and password
4. Standard and Poor's Net Advantage - takes you to an error page when attempting to connect
5. Philosopher's Index - the link for this database in the browse databases list takes you to the Ebscohost list of databases. Philosopher's Index however, isn't on the list.


-- Donna

1 comment:

Michael said...

Good news.

All of those are back up.