Thursday, December 21, 2006
Infoshare Database down
UPDATE: Infoshare is now working again.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Firefox at the reference desk
Book Borough
Firefox 1.5
Firefox 2
IE Tab
Internet Explorer 7
OpenURL Referrer
Pearl Crescent Page Saver
If you'd like to try some of these things out, the staff PC at the front right corner of the reference desk has Firefox installed with these extensions: Book Burro, L2, IE Tab, OpenURL Referrer, Pearl Crescent Page Saver, and Snapper.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Vendor Printer
Paper for Printers in room 238
Preview LexisNexis Academic redesign
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Databases that require patrons to set up free accounts
- Audit Analytics
- Books24x7
- Gartner (you have to have a CUNY Portal login to get to this database)
- MRI+
- netLibrary
- RefWorks (no remote access yet)
- CCH Business & Finance
- CCH Capital Changes
- CCH Tax Research
- ebrary
Wilson to offer retrospective Library Literature databases
Monday, December 04, 2006
New Videocamera Loan Service
Investigative Journalism Web Links
The sites might be useful for helping students at the reference desk and for updating online subject guides.
Here are the links:
Public record finder
State Courts
Incarceration records by state
National Sex Offender registry
Updates on law, media and technology
Targeted leagl research
CT case lookup
CT professional licenses
NJ Civil Motion calendar
NJ Professional licenses
NY Professional licenses
Federal Tax Court
NYS Attorney look-up
NYC Civil Servants
Evaluating Risk
Questionnable Doctors
The Cost of Poverty
Public Company Information
Business filings by state
Friday, December 01, 2006
Simmons Choices III and Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy available again!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
SimNet tutorial
Reasons were not given in the article.
Students will have the option of purchasing a $35 SimNet study guide from the Bookstore starting sometime in the Spring 07 semester. SimNet is an assessment test on Excel that must be passed in order for students to be able to take CIS 2200 or STA 2000. It takes 1 hour 15 minute (max) and is administered all year by the Office of Testing and Evaluation. Students will have the opportunity to take it a number of times, with a 30 day wait period.
I suspect we will see increased interest in Excel (e) books (and BCTC workshops).
Student research and satisficing
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
CUNY Policy Documents Site
American Chemical Society Journals
SWOT analyses
I'd like to share a couple of tips that Louise gave me in assisting students. First, students should always start by reading specific portions of the company's 10-K if the company is public: Item 1 (the "Business" section), Item 7 (the "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" section, and Item 7A ("Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk.")
Then students may want to look for analysts' reports in Investext Plus and industry reports in the usual databases. Once students have the necessary background information, then they are ready to look for articles on specific topics they might include in their SWOT analysis.
If students want in-depth instructions about how to do a SWOT analysis, a good source is Craig S. Fleisher's Strategic and competitive analysis : methods and techniques for analyzing business competition.
I also like to recommend a few notable websites offering instructions on how to do a SWOT analyses:
Rebooting instructors' computers in classrooms
Monday, November 27, 2006
Stewart's presentation today on
- Lorcan Dempsey's blog (and his post, "Making Data Work Harder")
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Factiva now works in Firefox
Roundup of database woes and issues
American Chemical Society Journals (ACS): No remote access.
ebrary: Users must download the ebrary reader before they can view an e-book.
Euromonitor GMID: No remote access.
NetLibrary: Baruch students may only access e-books in NetLibrary that are clearly owned by Baruch. There is no way that Baruch students can view e-books that are owned by libraries at other colleges in the CUNY system.
RefWorks: No remote access.
Simmons Choices III: There is no access to this database at all. We are working on a solution. In the meanwhile, students should inquire at the reference desk to see if MRI+ might be able to provide them with the marketing data they need.
ABI INform Global log in problems
Update on American Chemical Society Journals: no remote access
Monday, November 20, 2006
No access to American Chemical Society Journals
Access to ACS Publications has been blocked from this IP Address because of suspected systematic downloading of content from an ACS Journal Web Edition or the ACS Journal Archives.
By my writing this blog post, Mike and Saad will be notified of this problem (they'll automatically get an e-mail version of this blog post).
Friday, November 17, 2006
Ebscohost Down This Saturday
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Reserving the Graduate Consultation Lab
The schedule and reservation procedures for the Graduate Consultation Lab can be found on the shared drive (Look under Divisions, Graduate) by opening the file called GraduateConsultationLabCalendar. Or you can open the file by clicking here
The file also has a brief description of the room. A link to the schedule can also be found on the Reference wiki.
Reservation procedures: Contact Linda Rath at or at 646-234-3653 to add your consultation/instruction session to the calendar. If the room is needed immediately and Linda is not available to schedule the reservation, feel free to use the room if it is not already reserved. A librarian must always be present in the lab during a session.
Access to the room: Ask Annette Ruiz or a student assistant in room 420 for the key. Please note that room 420 closes at 5:30pm, so please make arrangements to pick up the key before the room 420 closes.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Graduate Consultation Lab
Direct Marketing Lab Open House
Monday, November 13, 2006
Instructor's computer in Room 130-help desk report
Information Studies Minor Open House 11/21
Thanks, Diane (and Jerry) for the Publicity Committee
Friday, November 10, 2006
Aleph installation weekend of Nov. 11
As you know we are installing an Aleph "Service Pack" this weekend.Report any problems to the Help Desk (212-541-0981). Gather as much information on the problem as you can and have it available. The exception to this is over the weekend: Either report the problem on this list (culibs-l) or e-mail me.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
"Accounting" PowerPoints posted
Question about printing problems--what to do?
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Powerpoint on Searching Trial of Proquest's Accounting & Tax with Standards
This trial allows you to search the same documents as RIA Checkpoint's Acctg Audit & Corp Finance, including the Current Text of the FASB literature, current as of March 30, 2006 so More current information may be found on the free FASB website and RIA Checkpoint. But, much will be unchanged. An advantage of having this information available on ABI Inform Global is that previously academic access has been limited by FASB to online versions of their literature from private vendors. So, it provides more access for our students.
Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.
Thanks, Rita
Monday, November 06, 2006
ILLiad not available from off campus
Library Room 135
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Research Consultations sign-up
I'll be making a presentation at Monday's ISD meeting about this fall's program. In the meanwhile, you may want to take a look at this press release about it that is currently on the college's home page.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Some additional sources to consider for supplier information
This information is difficult to find, as Louise noted in her May 16th post Supplier or the Supply. As the student I was trying to help told me that others were looking into UPS's filings, we tried the following:
Search Business Wire or PR Wire on Factiva for possible new contracts/joint ventures/projects, using phrases like "contract with" or "supplier to". If a company lands a large contract or signs on to supply a major company they may make an announcement about it.
Search ABI Inform, Business Source Premier, Gartner, etc for "company name" and procurement or purchasing.
If a company has a "social responsibility report" or "sustainability report" (an optional report), the report might mention organizations to which the corporation belongs. Sometimes these organizations offer awards, such as for diversity support or "greening" efforts. Sometimes the organizations have publications and they might feature a company either that is a supplier. The announcements of the awards might mention particular companies that supply materials to the firm or organizations. On a site about reducing pollution I found that UPS was working with several other organizations and companies to have cleaner vehicles.
Another librarian suggested a google search +supplies to United Parcel Service would bring up results that could be checked out.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
copy machines signs requested
Friday, October 27, 2006
What's going up at 23rd and 3rd?
Census Bureau report on educational attainment and income
According to the report: Adults age 18 and older with a bachelor’s degree earned an average of $51,554 in 2004, while those with a high school diploma earned $28,645, according to new tabulations released today by the U.S. Census Bureau. Those without a high school diploma earned an average of $19,169
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Cambridge researcher to pick up book at "hold for pickup" box
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Tips for accounting assignment re Gift Cards
Some faculty have told me that they like it that the library can help students search for the information but can't tell them the answer. (If pressed to tell the "correct" answer, I tell them my grade in financial accounting and that puts an end to asking me for the answer. Also, as with much of accounting, there may be alternatives that are permitted. The alternatives may or may not have specific advantages or there may be a preferred method, but that's for the students to find out.
RIA Checkpoint is the database we have that allows you to search FASB documents. I'm revising a more detailed search guide from last year. (The FARS discs are not being used this year.) I'll post the longer guide when it is available.
Here are some tips:
Tips for the “Gift Card” assignment for Accounting students
This is the first time many students will be using the official accounting standards issued by The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). Some things they need to consider: From the facts presented, what might be the significant of the details presented: Time periods? Relationship(s) of the parties? Whether there is any thing that is uncertain or remains to be performed? Whether this is one transaction or a series of transactions, Whether there is a projected income or loss? That the company is public?
The standards are difficult to understand. So, before searching in a database for the standards, students may want to do some background work, looking for explanations that might be helpful.
Several sources:
Listed in databases in Search & Find:
CCH Business Research – Most of the accounting sources are not available on this database but Search Tools offers a thesaurus that students can use to find synonyms to gift card. This may give clues for other terms to search in other databases.
CCH Accounting Research Manager—a keyword search for gift cards, or keyword searches for synonyms, will bring up some interpretative information and explanations, that will refer to FASB documents. (Unfortunately, FASB documents are not available in this database—a restriction of FASB to the academic community.)
Before searching the databases, students might want to look for articles about gift cards and accounting. (These keywords work in ABI Inform Global and Business Source Premier, and result in a short list of articles that can be helpful in explaining the issue(s) behind accounting for gift cards.) One could also use a popular search engine. (Don’t tell the students but there is uncertainty about this issue and as their assignment indicates, two ways that one can account for gift cards.)
RIA Checkpoint is the database that includes FASB and AICPA statements.
§ Change practice area from Federal to Accting, Audit & Corp Finance.
§ A basic search to get started is: gift card or gift certificate in the search box and limit the search to FASB
From here on, this is where the accounting students need to read and interpret and come to their own conclusions.
If students want to search specific parts of the FASB publications, after selecting FASB, they should click Table of Contents and keep drilling down until a list of the publications appear. The Current Text has general standards and industrial standards. The general standards, arranged by topic, may be helpful. The current text is not officially part of GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) but it provides hyperlinks to the statements and other documents that are part of GAAP, as well as links to explanatory information.
The FASB website,, does not include the Current Text. It is not easy to search the site by keyword if one does not know the source document needed.
I hope that this is helpful.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks, Rita
Citation styles come with articles sent from Ebscohost
Video crew in the library today
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Halloween stats
Some stats on this page include: date of first official citywide celebration, # of potential trick-or-treaters, # of occupied housing units that are potential trick-or-treating stops, # of costume rental establishments, etc.)
"Facts for Features and Special Editions consist of collections of statistics from the Census Bureau's demographic and economic subject areas intended to commemorate anniversaries or observances or to provide background information for topics in the news. "
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Problem with computer 2085
Mediaweek's Marketer's Guide to Media
Thomson Research Down This Saturday
Great new site for Reference and User Services Quarterly (RUSQ)
Also freely available to the world on this site are the reviews of reference materials from the "Sources" section of RUSQ. At the moment, reviews from 1997-2002 can be found in full text; plans are underway to offer reviews from 2003-2006.
Launching this site is the best thing RUSA has done in years.
What is RefWorks?
So what is it? Rita and I will likely do a brief presentation on it at an upcoming ISD meeting, but for the moment here are the basics of what you can do with it:
- save your citations in a web-based service
- manually enter your citations (you type them in, one by one)
- automatically enter your citations from a database or catalog search (you export to RefWorks the citations you've saved within the database interface)
- generate a formatted bibliography from your citations (you first pick one citation style from one of the hundreds available)
- insert in-text citations as you type in Microsoft Word (requires a small plug-in for this bonus feature)
- you were working a group assignment or project and wanted to have a shared space to store citations
- you wanted to keep separate work-related citations from those tied to personal research needs
No remote access to RefWorks
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
USB Flash Drives and Graduate Computer Workstations
(Students are used to right-clicking on the icon, or choosing the drive under My Computer to remove it. Due to the security set-up on the Grad. Workstations, these options are not available.)
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Are log-in problems increasing?
It may be that use and problems move in the same direction. Assuming that I have made a correct conclusion, is there something that can be done to reduce the problem? Is there something more that the librarians should know to tell students? If I have reached an invalid conclusion, I'm sorry and I'll do an extra shift of guest log-ins.
Citation Indexes at CUNY and NYPL
Science Citation Index - from 1995-
Social Sciences Citation Index – from 1990-
Arts and Humanities Citation Index – from 1996-
Science Citation Index – from 1996-
Social Sciences Citation Index – from 1996-
Note: There is a 3 user limit for each database
Science Citation Index – from 1999-
Social Sciences Citation Index – from 1998-
Arts and Humanities Citation Index – from 1975-
Science Citation Index – from 2002-
Social Sciences Citation Index – from 1956-
NASDAQ CEO on writing and critical thinking
Monday, October 16, 2006
Databases at NYPL
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Update on copy Machines; Coin Machine Down
2nd floor - copy machine is down because of an electrical problem - Will not be resolved soon.
3rd floor - 4 copiers are working but copy machine #3694 (located in the middle of the room) is down . Copico needs to replace a part but we don't know how long that will take.
4th floor - copy machine is down - needs a part - Expect this to be fixed Monday.
5th floor - copy machine is working.
Also the coin machine is down; it is not giving correct change.
Friday, October 13, 2006
I just wanted to bring to your attention that there are several copy machines down. I have put in a call directly to the company and a call to the field service supervisor. At this point we have the machine on the 5th floor and one on the 3rd floor working. The rest are down. The coin machine is also down. I spent over an hour on the copy machines trying to fix what I could and put paper into them. I have informed them that we are at a critical stage and that service must be provided today because we are open on the weekend. I will call again if the tech doesn't come within an hour or so. If anybody spots him let me know. The tech doesn't work the weekends. Sorry for any inconvenience this causes.
Books about Financial Globalization
- Global Capital Markets by Maruice Obstfeld and Alan Taylor (HG3881 .O2633 2004)
- Globalization and its Discontents by Joseph Stiglitz (HF1418.5 .S75 2003)
- In Defense of Globalization by Jagdish Bhagwati (HF1359 .B499 2004 & in Ebrary)
- On Globalization by George Soros (HF1359 .S65 2002)
- The Elusive Quest for Growth by William Easterly (HC59.72 .P6E17 2001)
- The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else by Hernando De Soto(HB501 .S778 2000)
Automobile Manufacturing in Russia
Executive Biographies in Mergent
To see these web bios, first select a company, then from the "company details" menu open "executives." Next to the name of each officer is an information icon marked "web bio."
Library open 24 Hours for Mid-Terms
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Ericsson 20-F filing for 2005 requests
I asked what it was he needed, and he explained about the needed Ericsson filing for 2005. Both students said that they had searched the SEC Edgar filings for the 10-K, but they weren't able to find it. Since Ericsson is a Swedish corporation trading in the U.S. (and other exchanges), it files a 20-F annual filing so there wouldn't be a 10-k. I didn't help them check the SEC Edgar filings for it, which I am sure would have the filings but we obtained it from Thomson Research and from the corporation's U.S. web site.
However, I would recommend the Thomson Research site as the complete filing with attachments is there (409 pages) and the version posted on the corporation's U.S. web site is 100+ pages. This appears not to have all the attachments but I didn't spend a lot of time looking at the filing. And, of course, it depends upon what information the students need. (The filing would be available in other databases.)
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Federal Reserve Board Governor Mischkin's speech about Globalization given at Baruch today
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
computer 1158 in room 130
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Extended Hours for Circulation
The circulation desk will be open Friday, Saturday & Sunday until 7:50PM to enable students to borrow circulating and reserve items.
Frederic Mishkin at Baruch This Thursday
The Weissman Center for International Business is sponsoring a talk by Frederic Mishkin on "Globalization: A Force for Good" on Thursday, October 12, 2006 in VC 14-220. (Details here).
Professor Mishkin just joined the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and chose Baruch for his initial speech as a governor. His father is a graduate of Baruch. Please encourage your students to attend.
Flash Drives, CD's, DVD's and Floppy Discs
- There are no floppy drives on any of the student computers.
- At the seated workstations, students can save to flash drives. They cannot open flash drives.
- At the standing workstations, students can save and open files on flash drives and CD/DVD's. In order to use CD/DVD's, they must be formated for Read/Write.
Margin of Safety
As for libraries, Business Week claims only 262 libraries worldwide own the title and it is one that is most claimed as lost. Our copy is in our Archive collection and students wanting to read it should make an appointment with Sandra Roff. Because of its condition, the book does not circulate nor can students photocopy pages or chapters.
Pre-CINAHL merged with CINAHL
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Computer Problems
Friday, October 06, 2006
Blackboard (Plagiarism & tutorial) quizzes, permissions, and lockouts
or by phone (646-312-1010) and ask them to add Nelson Santana as a TA (Teaching Assistant) in her class so that he has rights to upload the plagiarism tutorial.
Note that a high number of lockouts have been occuring when students take a quiz (plagiarism quiz, for example, or the library FRO quiz) in Blackboard.
Students often forget to use the submit button, or may have firewall issues on their home computers. Aisha and Nelson do try to clear them as soon as possible.
GDP and external debt sources
There is a new joint external debt database, a project of the Bank of International Settlement, the IMF, the OECD and the World Bank.
The OECD provides GDP figures by quarter. See SourceOECDStatistics in our databases. (Of course, not all countries are members of the OECD.)
Yearly External Debt by Country in World Development Indicators from the World Bank. See WDI (World Development Indicators in our databases.)
The International Monetary Fund (Build a table using data and statistics) (There is a possibility of a five day trial to their data, and it appears individuals can give it a try.)
In print, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) International Financial Statistics Yearbook in Reference at REF HG 61.157 2005 has the GDP. Also, in print, in periodicals, the monthly International Financial Statistics from the IMF has quarterly figures for the most recent five years. You will need to look in past volumes to obtain the quarterly figures for all the years.
Another possible source may be a particular country's Central Bank Statistics, frequently available from web sites, or in the database ISI Emerging Markets (in our database list) under Sources, and then look for Central Bank, after a particular country is selected.
Zicklin grad student happy with online directories
As we don't have a current edition, I told him I would e-mail him information about electronic access to the S&P directories that Mike Waldman alerted us to earlier in the week and also explain how to get the Securities Dealers of North America online. I e-mailed the information to him, as well as that the Nelson directory is at SIBL and Brooklyn Business. He has e-mailed me twice with thanks, the second time to thank me for saving him a great deal of time.
So, here's the information about the directories:
From Mike Waldman:
As part of out subscription to the Money Market Directory of Pension Funds
and their Investment Managers, Standard and Poor's has lauched a new
electronic directory, MMD eDirectories.
It is unfortunately only available via password at this time.
Go to:
Click on MMD eDirectories
See the password and log-in information in the wiki, under Passwords
To get to the Securities Dealers of North America, go to Standard & Poor's NetAdvantage. Click on Directories. You can search by company name or personal name or use the Advanced Search to select criteria, including location.
Nelson's Directory of Investment Managers is available at SIBL. At Brooklyn's Business Library the 2006 edition is shelved with Services Directories under Financing (not by call number.)
SIBL Small Business How-to Videos and Podcasts
Taken from the website: "View a smallbiz how-to do business seminar! Each session can be viewed in parts, watch the video and text slides together, or download the audio only to an MP3 player. Choose high-speed version for Broadband connections, dial-up for modems. Download QuickTime free software to view, if you don't already have this software on your computer."
Example titles: "Legal Strategies for Small Business", "Pricing Your Product or Service", "Market Research", "Tips for Opening and Running a Restaurant in NYC".
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Problem with accessing Learning Express
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
The Graduate Workstations have SAS v.8, but it has recently expired. I sent a Help Desk request to update to v.9, and hope this will happen soon. SAS v.9 is available in the 6th floor library building lab and the CIS lab.
SPSS 11.5 is also on the newer 3 day and hour laptops (thank you to Eric for sending this info.).
EBSCO experiencing problems
EBSCOhost is currently experiencing intermittent access issues, which could cause connectivity delays for some users.
If you experience problems logging in to EBSCOhost, please log out and attempt to access again. This highly unusual situation is currently under investigation by our network specialists.
We expect to resolve the problem quickly, and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
CUNY Proficiency Exam
E-reserves for CUNY Online BA Students
The CUNY Online BA program offers classes in different disciplines (Psychology, Math, History, Computer Scicence, etc..) but these classes are not listed under any of these departments in Dokutek.
FRO (Freshman Orientation)
First, according to the Baruch faculty handbook, FRE is:
A required 12-week non-credit course for freshmen...[that] offers students an opportunity to engage in the Baruch community during the initial, and sometimes unsettling, first semester on campus. Led by a faculty or staff member and a trained upperclassman, freshmen seminars provide information about college life and the College. The program helps students learn and adopt methods to be successful in college. Structured class exercises encourage participation and provide an avenue for interactions with the students. Seminar leaders play a vital role in helping students adjust and in influencing their educational objectives.
This fall, there will be close to 2000 freshmen in FRO seminars. Starting in the next week or so, they will be taking the "New Students Library Tutorial" by following these steps:
- With the instruction sheet provided to them by the instructors in their FRO sections (we have extra copies at the reference desk), the students will come pick up three paper handouts from the library (#1 is at the reference desk, #2 is at the circulation desk, and #3 is at the 3rd floor service desk) and one electonic handout (#4) that is available as a PDF via a link on the Ask a Librarian page of the library web site.
- After getting the handouts, students will log into Blackboard, go to the FRO course page (students in the Learning Communities will see a course labeled "2006 Freshman Learning Communities" and everyone else will see "All Fro 1000 Fall 2006"), click the appropriate course listing, then click "Assignments" on the FRO page, and take the quiz.
- Students must get an 80 on the quiz for it to count as successfully completed. Students may retake it as many times as they need to.
If a student reports being locked out of the quiz (i.e., the student can get into Blackboard and onto the Assignments page with the quiz but they can't actually launch the quiz), then tell them that the problem will be fixed by the next day (we have to manually "unlock" those quizzes that have been so frozen and will do so on a daily basis).
A smaller subset of students in the FRO seminars are part of the Learning Communities, which the faculty handbook describes as follows:
Faculty who participate in Learning Communities build on the advantages of block programming by highlighting intellectual links between courses and by scheduling co-curricular activities that complement course material. In a Baruch learning community, faculty members develop their courses collaboratively and confer regularly with each other and with their students, both in person and on line.They also create a range of other activities that supplement in-class instruction, increase engagement, and reinforce the collegial ideal of students and faculty working together on the common project of education.The Learning Communities sections of FRO have to do a second tutorial and quiz:
- In the "Assignments" section of their FRO course page in Blackboard, students should look for a link for the "Newman Library Help" tutorial (the direct URL for this is
- After reviewing the tutorial, they should go back to Blackboard and do the "Exercise" that is linked to on the Assignments page (it's another Blackboard quiz).
If you have further comments or clarifications, please post a comment to this blog entry. If you have further questions, you may want to contact Aisha Peña directly.
Updated map of NYC emergency incidents
Monday, October 02, 2006
Quick Start Guides for ebrary
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Using ebrary
Kerry also answered some access questions. Ebrary allows unlimited simultaneous multi-user access. All links (to books or chapters) are persistant links and can be used in Blackboard and accessed from off-campus.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Expanded index to this blog now visible
In case you were not aware of my humble indexing efforts, I tag each blog post with 1-5 different subject terms. If you click on one of the tags in the index (such as technical problems) you can see all the posts that are on that topic (additional tags added to each post detail other facets of what that topic is about). We are now just shy of 700 blog posts since we launched the blog over two years ago; each of these posts has been tagged.
Please leave comments to this blog or contact me directly to let me know your thoughts about this change.
RefWorks now available
Follow up to waiters in Manhattan question
Thursday, September 28, 2006
ABI/Inform login problem (computer at reference desk south)
No access to Simmons Choices III
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Number of waiters in Manhattan
UPDATE 9/28/06: I am amazed by how quickly my colleagues here responded and how helpful they were. Thanks to Rita, Diane, Sandy, and David for providing the following suggestions:
- Contact the Waiters Association
- Check the web site of the New York State Restaurant Association (here's the best link on their site that I found) and consider contacting them directly
- Look at data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (this is the best page I found)
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
SEC to Transform EDGAR
Business Week Online Edition
Monday, September 25, 2006
Web Mail Problem
Short Story Index
Saturday, September 23, 2006
No remote access to Euromonitor
Friday, September 22, 2006
How to use ebrary
If the user wants to save any notes or highlighting in books he/she has viewed, he or she should first click the purple "Sign In" button in the upper left corner of the screen. On the Sign In page, the first-time user will want to click "Do you need to create a new bookshelf?" to get to a page where they can set up a free, password-protected account that will allow them to build their own, customized "bookshelf" of titles they have annotated, highlighted, or bookmarked.
Due to copyright restrictions, there are varying limits set on how many pages may be printed at a time (and sometimes even how many pages may be viewed at a time). Here's how ebrary states these restrictions:
- You are not allowed to print out or copy the entire book.
- There are limitations on the number of pages you may print and copy.
- Some publishers also place limitations on the number of pages that can be viewed.
For more details on how to use ebrary, see this help guide (PDF).
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Posting to blog using reference desk user name
Sunday, September 17, 2006
No remote access to LexisNexis
UPDATE (9/19/2006) Remote access seems to have been restored (I just checked from home).
Friday, September 15, 2006
Access to Choices 3 and MRI Restored
LACUNY Program Today
Dr. Sylvie Richards from the School of Professional Studies and Prof. Beth Evans from Brooklyn College are the featured speakers. Dr. Richards presentation is titled: "Blackboard Building Blocks - Blogs, Wikis, Journals, Podcasting and the New CUNY Online BA." Prof. Evans will talk about "MySpace, Facebook and Academic Libraries."
A few seats are still available. Let me know if you would like to attend.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Known Glitches
1. Once the bluesocket (logout) window is closed, it may not load again even when clicking on the login/logout icon on desktop. You may need to reboot in order to logout.
2. Simmons Choices 3 is not loading. You will receive a "forbidden IP" error message. Refer students to the three workstations to the right of the reference desk where Choices 3 does load. The database is also accessible from reference desk terminals.
3. Students are logging off the system completely by going to "start" then "log off." Terminals are then left with logon screens. Simply reboot workstation in order to return to bluesocket login screen.
Simmons Problem
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
An interesting student encounter
ABC-Clio and EBSCOhost partnership
Having just run a search in America: History and Life, I see that the links are already appearing (they are labeled as "Ebsco.")
Fitch Credit Ratings
Monday, September 11, 2006
Important Information About SIMNET
A new version of the Simnet exam will be available at the end of September 2006. Practice materials for this exam will not be available before Monday, September 18, 2006. In order to be fully prepared for the exam it is highly recommended that students purchase the Simnet Enterprise Edition CD, which is available at the Baruch College Bookstore. Once you login using your individual passcode you will be able to access learning modules and practice exams (after Monday, September 18, 2006) for the Simnet exam (Excel) and several other important Microsoft Office 2003 applications. This CD is highly recommended for Freshman Seminar, Freshman Learning Communities and new transfer students. This CD serves as a pre-test practice and review guide, as a post-test study guide for those who need to retest, and as an excellent reference for learning and practice other Microsoft concepts (e.g. Access 2003 Basic, Fundamental Computer Concepts, PowerPoint 2003 Basic, and Word 2003 Basic) throughout your college career.
Book used up to now has been I-series Excel 2002 Introductory, by Stephen Haag and James T. Perry, available in Reserve. HF5548.4.M523 H3 2002 Diane
ISBNs to have 13 digits beginning in January
Friday, September 08, 2006
Library signs: the good, the bad, and the ugly
Thursday, September 07, 2006
BCTC workshops now included on library sign-up form
Factiva News Page
The default is lately sometimes coming up as Group Pages, with the message: "You have no Group News Pages assigned to you. Please contact your administrator."
Just go to the Factiva News Pages, where the news will appear.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Context and Comparisons is the actual link.
We're checking to see if it can be linked through E Reserve.
Searching Euromonitor GMID
If you haven't used "Browse Reports" yet, it is the best way to find Euromonitor's special reports. Consumer Lifestyle reports have data on disposable income, expenditures, eating and drinking habits, health and home ownership. Future Demographics reports include projections of the population by age group and market segment out to the year 2020. Global Reports are world surveys of industries but also include reports covering trends in marketing, retailing and demographics (this is where you find the reports on the baby boomer generation).
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Graphing calculators all gone
CUNY Online BA Student ID Card
A message from Curtis Kendrick, University Librarian:
Attached is a sample of what the identification cards look like for the CUNY Online BA students. The ID cards are issued through the School of Professional Studies and are picture-less but there should always be a current semester validation sticker. Students will be expected to produce a photo ID along with their CUNY Online BA ID card.
Please brief your front-line staff about the new ID to help ensure that the CUNY Online BA students are afforded a proper welcome when they arrive at your library. Thank you.
[Note from A.D.: If a holder of this card does not provide a matching photo ID, access should not be granted. Please let Security make the determination.]
Bus 9100 E Reserve Problem (Prof Schepers)
to resolve the problem.
Today's (9/5) Reuters Workshop still OPEN
Nearly 50 graphing calculators left
UPDATE: As of 5 PM, they are all gone.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Printing E-Reserves Documents -- Some Problems
Re: Reber 1976 article for Experimental Psy class about implicit learning
Reber, A.S. (1976). Implicit learning of synthetic languages: The role of instructional set.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Learning and Memory, 2, 88-94. It is available in print and we have the journal on the 3rd floor. However, I looked at the copy this morning and it is in very poor quality and has been taped back together with parts of a paragraph missing. It isn't available in electronic format.
I will let the professor (Hosie) know about the citation and the poor quality of our copy.
Ester has said she will order a better copy for electronic reserve. The professor is Hosie and the course is Psy 5020.
Databases page working again
Reminder: How to check if someone's library ID is valid for remote access
I tried it last night and it worked.
Jus a reminder, you can check if someone's library ID is valid for remote
access using the following URL:
What to do when the toner in the alumni room printer is low
When I called, the person said she will come over during her lunch hour today as she has no one else in the office today.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
toner needed in alumni room
Databases are Down
UPDATE: Databases can still be accessed from links to them on other pages in the web site, such as the subject guides.
Requesting books in CUNY libraries
As you'll see, this new page is a bit lengthy. As always, feel free to edit it.
Library services to CUNY Online BA students
I have been slowly working on adding such information for each of the categories of users we have here. You can see a full list of different types of users on the User Categories page. Please help by adding any information you know to these pages. If you can add the raw content to the page, I can format it later.
I am trying to get each of the user category pages to have the same format:
- Introduction (defining the user, links to relevant web pages, etc.)
- Library Privileges (divided into two subsections, one detailing what that user has, the other listing what the user doesn't have).
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Filming Today
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Student Lockers on Campus
For campus location of lockers, see the wiki entry:
Library Credit Courses, Fall 06 semester
ROOM 130
LIB 1015, Information Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, Prof. Pollard, Tuesday & Thursday, 11:10am-12:25pm
ROOM 135
Lib 1016, Information Research in Business, Prof. Ellis
Tuesday & Thursday, 6:00pm-7:15pm
Lib 3010, Economics of Information, Prof. Liu
Tuesday & Thursday, 2:30pm-3:45pm
LIB 3020, Principles of Information Retrieval, Prof. Shelfer
Monday & Wednesday, 6:00pm-7:15pm
LIB 3040, Information in Society, Prof. Bornstein
(COM 3040, PAF 3040)
Monday & Wednesday, 3:20pm-4:35pm
Temporary Computer Lab Closure
Thursday, August 24, 2006
New way to use vendor card printer
- User opens browser and logs in with a user name and password (same as before).
- There is no more "activate vendor printer" icon to double-click after logging in (this is new).
- When user is ready to print a selected document, they must go to the "File>Print" command (same as before).
- In the Print dialog box that opens, user selects "vendor card printer" from the choice of two printers (same as before).
- Upon clicking "Print" the job is sent to the vendor card printer. No window opens up prompting the user to name the print job and enter a user name (this is new).
- User goes to the vendor card printer, inserts copy card, and is prompted to enter a user name. Users must now skip this request by hitting the "Enter" key on the keyboard (this is new, as previously the system required the user to type in a user name).
- The user sees a list of all the print jobs sitting in the vendor card printer system (this is new, as previously the user only saw the jobs he/she sent).
- User selects his/her job from the list, clicks the "Print" button on the screen, and the cost of the job is debited from the copy card (this is the same).
- for PCs that don't require the user to login to the web browser (the 8 machines behind the reference desk, the ones to the left of the spiral staircase, and 3 or 4 to the right of the staircase), steps 3-8 above still hold true
- for PCs that do require the user to login to the web browser (the machines at the reference desk and a few of the ones to the right of the staircase by the men's room), the process is mostly the old one. There is still a desktop icon to activate the vendor printer. This icon must be selected after the user logs in to the web. Once the user clicks "Print" to send the job to the vendor card printer, he/she will be asked to name the job and type in a user name. After sending the job, the user can follow steps 6-8.
Monday, August 21, 2006
Graphing calculators for fall 2006
- August 30: 10:30 am and 7:00 pm
- August 31: 10:30 am and 7:00 pm
- September 1: 10:30 am and 3:30 pm
- after Sept. 1, any remaining calculators will be distributed on Sept. 5 starting at 9:30 am
Computer-written financial news articles
Friday, August 18, 2006
Internet Explorer 7 will have built-in feed reader
Found here on (David Rothman is a medical librarian in Syracuse, NY, with a newish and informative blog).
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Pew Hispanic Center issues report re impact of immigrants at the state level on employment of native-born workers
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Problem with accessing CCH Accounting Research Manager from home and on campus
I'll be gone Thursday so I hope it is resolved. I'll be checking my e-mail.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
WorldCat on the web...for free!
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Internet Connectivity - Fiber Outage at CUNY
Dark Fiber ring is a fiber optic network by which some campuses connect to the Internet. If it is not working campuses may experience a diminished ability or inability to connect. (Curtis Kendrik).
As CIS and NYSERnet engineers continue to work to restore connectivity to the Dark Fiber ring, reports indicate that at least some connectivity, via Fiber or ATM has been restored to all but two of the fiber campuses, Baruch and BMCC. Work continues to restore full service.
(James Haggard, CUNY IT Steering Committee)
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Remote access issues with Thomson Research
I've e-mailed Mike to let him know about this problem.
Monday, July 31, 2006
Dewey Research Advisor
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Advertising Redbooks
Problem w Reference Desk Phone
Thanks, Diane
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Conference call phone in library classrooms
- Conference Calls (how to make them using our special phone stored one of the library classroom closets)
- Telephones in Library Classrooms (phone numbers for each room and instructions about plugging in conference call phone)
Two is the magic (search) number
Found on Steve Cohen's Libary Stuff (who got it from the SearchEngineWatch blog).
Monday, July 24, 2006
Knowledge Media Laboratory from Carnegie Foundation
Knowledge Media Laboratory [pdf]
How do students learn in the classroom? How can teachers best utilize new and emerging technologies in the classroom? What can teachers do to seamlessly incorporate technology into the learning experience? These are all questions that are asked by The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching’s Knowledge Media Laboratory. On their website, users can learn about their work with communities of teachers, faculty, programs, and institutions over the past several years, and also look over some of their informative case studies. The Gallery of Teaching and Learning is a good place to start one’s exploration of the site, as it contains a number of exhibitions that look at how web-based tools can be used in teaching and how scholarship may change as a result of an increasingly networked milieu. One seminal resource on the site is the KEEP Toolkit. With the Toolkit, teachers and others can create engaging knowledge representations on the web for their own use. For visitors who might feel a bit overwhelmed by this, there is also a nice tutorial that explains how the Toolkit can be used.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Used Up Student Printing Accounts
Pew Internet Project report on Bloggers
It can be found at
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Draft environmental impact statement re Atlantic Yards in Brooklyn
news for fans of the Yankees and Mets
The New York City Industrial Development Agency said today that the Internal Revenue Service has given them permission to sell about $1.44 billion of tax-exempt bonds backed by payments from the teams to pay for the construction of two new baseball stadiums for the Yankees and Mets.
Conference Board offers redesigned web site
(I have inquired about these charts in the past. They are of Conference Board members. The original understanding was that one had to contribute an organizational chart to have access to others, but this policy probably has changed with electronic access and purchase. It was suggested to me by the Conference Board librarian that the pricing is not geared to a student's budget and that it might be good to suggest that faculty purchase a variety of charts. I have not had a request for an organizational chart for several years.)
New report: Investment banks' considering environmental, social and governance issues in their research
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Can History be Open Source? Wikipedia and the Future of the Past
"Rosenzweig’s piece discusses the differences between professional historians and amateur wikipedists, Wikipedia’s obsession with Neutral Point of View (NPOV), and compares Wikipedia to Microsoft’s Encarta and the American National Biography Online. Rosenzweig points out that it’s not only accuracy that is problematic for Wikipedia (a problem for all encyclopedias), but poor writing and lack of scholarly subtlety and nuance. Yet he also points out the strengths of Wikipedia–it’s free and available to everyone, unlike the subscription products in our libraries".
The article can be found in the Journal of American History, v 93, n.1, 6/06 (reprinted online here). A interesting if long (51 pages) read.
Help the New Orleans Public Library
Found on Kathleen de la Peña McCook's blog, Librarian 2.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Do you happened to have this book?
When I attempted to get a password to check out the resource, I received the following message, "This Online Career Library is for the sole use of Baruch College undergraduate students. Use by any other individuals or organizations, including without limitation students or alumni of any other departments of this university, is unlawful. Any other use constitutes copyright infringement and theft of services. Any unauthorized use or distribution will be traced and may result in civil and criminal liability."
Is anyone familiar with this resource? Some brief descriptions state that it provides industry and business overviews, and is useful for background information for interviews. I was wondering if, or how, it differs from our library databases.
Laptops now distributed from 3rd floor desk
Baruch is not a cooling center
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Student Printing Problems
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Printing error - Length
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Upcoming event of possible interest
Monday, July 10, 2006
Thomson Research news
Dear Valued Client,
In July we will migrate the data center that houses the Thomson Research application to a new state-of-the art facility. This migration is being undertaken as part of a larger Thomson Financial initiative to update and consolidate our existing data centers to three geographically redundant, high performance facilities. This advancement enhances our ability to service clients on Thomson Financial solutions and improves our security, redundancy, and continuity across the Thomson ONE application suite.
We have committed significant time and resources in an effort to make this move with as little downtime as possible to the Thomson Research solution. Over the weekend of July 15/16, however, you may experience brief interruptions service. We will try to schedule these inconveniences during off-peak hours. In the unlikely event that there is a longer than momentary lapse in service, please contact your local support team:
In conjunction with the data center migration, we have made the difficult decision to cease production of our Compact D product, effective July 2006. As such, the Compact D tab in Thomson Research will be removed at the end of July.
We wish to thank you for your business and support.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Library Access Policy
Access to the Newman Library is generally restricted to current students, faculty and staff of the City University of New York, as well as retired CUNY faculty. Access is also permitted for current faculty and students of Empire State College with a valid Empire State College identification card.
Baruch College Alumni who are interested in library access should contact the Alumni Relations Office (646-660-6097).
Residents of the New York Metropolitan Area who need access to specific materials in the Newman Library that are not available in the public library system should contact their local library about obtaining a referral card.
Other individuals with an ongoing need for access to the Newman Library, including alumni of other CUNY campuses, are encouraged to apply for membership in the Friends of the Newman Library. For more information, including the fee schedule, visit the Friends of the Newman Library Web page.
For further information regarding access to the Newman Library, please contact the Office of the Chief Librarian (646 312-1655).
A poster of this page has been placed at the entrance of the library.
The security desk has copies of these policies along with forms to apply for membership in the Friends of the Library. Please let Campus Safety interpret and apply the policy as they do for the other buildings on campus. If there are questions, please defer to Campus Safety and inform me of the circumstances via e-mail.